Saturday 31 August 2013

Assignment 2: Rule of Thirds

270813 Tues.
Here comes our second assignment of Principles of Design. :D

Assignment 2:
  • Select a subject matter of your liking i.e. door/ window/ bottle/ cup/ bin/ shoes/ eye/ food etc.
  • You will need to hold/ stick your frame in every shot as your 'view finder', using it to compose/ crop your shots.
  • It is OK to take a photo with your hand or fingers in it.
  • Shoot at least 50 shots to select 30 photos and create a short movie clip using a software of your choice.
  • Give your work a nice title, and you may be creative and add subtitles or narration to make a story.
  • Be sure to add your name and ID number at the end credits.
Before this we were asked to bring a 12 by 9 inches mounting board (leaving 1/2 inch on each side) as our 'view finder'. The purpose of the 'view finder' is to help us to understand the composition of an image based on the RULE OF THIRDS.

What is rule of thirds?
The Rule of Thirds is a guideline which applies to the process of composing visual images. It works like this: imaginary lines are drawn dividing the image into thirds both vertically and horizontally. Important elements of the composition are placed where these lines intersect. For example:

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