Monday 5 August 2013

First Presentation :D

300713 Tues.
That was our first lecture of Principles of Design, lectured by Miss Maslisa.

Our first lesson was about identifying ourselves. As a designer-to-be, I agree that understanding ourselves is extremely important as we need to figure out a way or a style that suits us the most to present our artwork. We put in effort and emotion to make sure that our work is infused with life as well as feelings, instead of a regimented one. However, we didn't seem to know ourselves very well. We were therefore told to draw a mind map and also a self-portrait in order to start us thinking, wondering and comprehending ourselves. We were given two hours to do so, and after that what we needed to do was to present them in front of our course mates :)
This is my personal mind map :)
I separated my life into 9 columns, well you can also say these're the spaces in my brain haha :p So overall they're things which I like and I don't, things that I'm afraid of, my D.O.B, my hobbies, my hometown and etc. I divided my mind map like this also showed that I'm a neat person and perfectionist. Well at least I think I am :p Nevertheless, Miss Maslisa said these were just things on the surface. Still I didn't really get to know myself internally. One of my course mates, Vanessa did a very good job indeed. She didn't only talk about the surface but also her personalities, we get to know more about her now. Her confidence while presenting really impressed me *thumbs up* :)

And this is my self-portrait :) Seriously it can only be seen in this angle!! >_<
Our assignment is to design our very own self-portrait. One day, I would be able to speak as fluent and confident as Vanessa.

We need to work hard to shape our lives in such a way, so that in the light we'll reflect, and form our very own uniqueness. :)

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