Thursday, 19 September 2013

Assignment 2: Whiteboard Marker Stop Motion

170913 Tues.
When corridors didn't work, candies and desserts failed, I was really............really.......... lost....................until

Ms. Lisa posted some of our seniors' videos on our facebook page for us to get inspired.

 STOP MOTION *blink* ya horr!! Why I never thought of making a stop motion video? O.O It would turn out really awesome if I succeeded! ;D I eventually decided to draw out all my pictures. So YESH, my final subject matter is a whiteboard marker. ^_^

In fact, I never make a video before, not to mention a stop motion animation. >_<

As this was my first time making video, I chose the installed software in my laptop that is Windows Movie Maker. Although the quality of the video was not very good, the resolution of image wasn't that high as well, it's extremely easy to use and the outcome was quite satisfied for me as a beginner. :)

I used ipad to take all the pictures. Overall I had taken more than 400 photos to make a 3-minute-long video lol. :p Well this is kind of 'Behind the Scene' haha :p

Behind the Scene

Photos that I had taken (1)

Photos that I had taken (2)

Photos that I had taken (3)
As I mentioned earlier that I missed the tutorial, I was really nervous and worried that is my subject matter out of topic..? Can it be accepted..? Will my audience like it..? Nonetheless whether others like it or not, in my opinion, the most important thing is: I myself really enjoyed doing this and I felt extremely proud of my work. :) I gained satisfaction even only a very simple and short action was created. (It took about 30 photos to write my name lol ;p)

Hello everybadeh, here comes my new born baby! :D

This time I couldn't forget what Ms. Lisa said as well: What you think is special, it is! :')

Share with you my favourite quotes:
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
"When I fail, I try again, and again, and again." --Nick Vujicic

Friday, 6 September 2013

Assignment 2: Struggle

270813 Tues.
 Basically our mission on that day was to capture at least 30 shots on any subject matter we like based on the rule of thirds. We were given 2 hours to go out from the class and take a picture on our subject matter using the 'view finder' (black frame). Honestly speaking, I really had no idea what to choose as my subject matter. I therefore ended up taking picture of corridors (which I had pretty much failed in it).

Seriously I could never forget the comment Ms. Lisa gave :'( Well actually I think the subject matter itself is quite interesting just my skill makes it looks boring. :( I felt disappointed and kind of frustrated after that day cuz I neither can think of a new subject matter nor make the old one looks any better. Few days later I  went back to Pahang due to some personal reason so I missed the tutorial on the following week. After that, my friend suggested me: why don't you take pictures on candies? or sweet stuff? So.. I made another try.

At first I was quite satisfied with my masterpieces lol. HOWEVER, my friend Yueh who went to the tutorial told me that the biggest problem of these photos is: when you first look into the picture, your focus point is on other thing, but not the candies (or other desserts). Moreover, in some pictures the black frame is not straightly placed, it has totally lost its purpose as a view finder. Yeah, indeed. :(

Gosh what subject matter should I choose now?? >_<